Approved Modalities List

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| Massage | Yoga | View All |

Modality UK Covered UK Notes CA Covered CA Group CA Notes
GalvanismYesGROUP 4
Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) CameraYesGROUP 4
Gel NailsYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Gem EssencesYesGROUP 3
Genetic CounsellingYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Gentle Release TherapyYes
GeomancyYesGROUP 3
GerontologyYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Gestalt PsychotherapyYes
Gitananda YogaYesGROUP 2
Glycolic FacialYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Goddess for Life CoachYesGROUP 1
GommageYesGROUP 4
Group CounsellingYesGROUP 1
Guided imagery and visualisationYes
Guided Self HealingYes
Gyratory MassageYesGROUP 4
Gyrotonic/ GyrokinesisYesGROUP 2