Approved Modalities List

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| Massage | Yoga | View All |

Modality UK Covered UK Notes CA Covered CA Group CA Notes
Chi Walking®YesGROUP 2
Chi-Acupressure MassageYesGROUP 4
ChiBallYesGROUP 2
ChiBall Method™Yes
Childbirth Education/EducatorsYesGROUP 3Refer to BGi Insurance6
Children's Yoga TeachingYes
Children?s Relaxation ? Growing GurusYes
Childrens Wellbeing CoursesYesGROUP 3
Chilled Rock MassageYesGROUP 4
Chinese AcupressureYesYesGROUP 4
Chinese AstrologyYesGROUP 3
Chinese Herbal DispensingYesAdditional premium charged
Chinese Herbal MedicineYesAdditional premium chargedYesGROUP 3
Chinese MassageYesGROUP 4
Chinese MedicineYesAdditional premium charged
Chinese NutritionYesGROUP 3
Chiron HealingYesGROUP 3
Chrysalis Effect Certified PractitionerYes
Citric PeelYesBeauty therapists rates
ClairvoyantsYesMust hold additional qualificationYesGROUP 3
Cleopatra Skin Advanced Quantum HealingYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Back Relief YogaYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Face Lift YogaYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Hot Spot Body RockYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Natural Face Lift MassageYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Natural Family HealingYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Quantum HealingYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Tummy Tuck YogaYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Skin Voice and Sound HealingYesGROUP 4
Cleopatra Wrinkle Reduction MassageYesGROUP 4
Clinical Camouflage Make-upYesBeauty therapists ratesYesGROUP 4
Clinical HypnosisYes
Clinical HypnotherapyYes
Clinical Laser Therapy (non thermal)YesBeauty therapists ratesYesGROUP 4
Coach SupervisorYes
Coach Trainer or TutorYes
Coaching - Life and Executive CoachingYes
Coffee/ Tea readingYesGROUP 3
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)YesYesGROUP 1Refer to BGi Insurance5
Collagen FacialYesBeauty therapists ratesYesGROUP 4
Colonic Hydrotherapy / IrrigationYesAdditional premium charged
Colour BreathingYes
Colour CoachingYesGROUP 1
Colour ReflexologyYes
Colour TherapyYesYesGROUP 3
Comfort Touch Elderly MassageYes
Community Development WorkerYes
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