Approved Modalities List

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| Massage | Yoga | View All |

Modality UK Covered UK Notes CA Covered CA Group CA Notes
Bamboo MassageYesGROUP 4
Bates MethodYesGROUP 4
Bates Method of Vision Education TeacherYes
Behaviour TherapyYes
Belvaspata healingYes
Best System AssessmentYesGROUP 4
Bicom InstrumentYesGROUP 3
Bindi BodyworkYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Bio Detox TherapyYes
Bio Energetics MedicineYesGROUP 3
Bio Energy Detox Foot SpaYesGROUP 4
Bio FeedbackYesYesGROUP 3
Bio LiftingYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Bio Magnetic Synchronisation Technique BMSYesGROUP 4
Bio-Magnetic TherapyYes
BiodanzaYesGROUP 3
Biodynamic MassageYesGROUP 4
Biograph AssessmentYesGROUP 3
Bioimpedance AnalysisYesGROUP 3
Bionic 880 Photon TherapyYes
Biopsysis - Biocentric Psychoanalysis ? ?PGYes
Bioptron Light TherapyYes
Bioresonance TherapyYesYesGROUP 3
BioseneticsYesGROUP 3
Birth Skills™YesGROUP 3
BleachingYesBeauty therapists rates
BloodscanYesGROUP 4
Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst(BCaBA)Yes
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA, BCBA-D)Yes
Body Acceptance & appreciation for womenYesGROUP 3Refer to BGi Insurance6
Body Acceptance & appreciation for youthYesGROUP 3Refer to BGi Insurance6
Body CandlingYes
Body Code, TheYes
Body Composition TestYesGROUP 3Refer to BGi Insurance5
Body Conditioning / Swiss BallYes
Body Confidence and Wellbeing CoachYes
Body Connect HealingYes
Body Electronics Point HoldingYesGROUP 3
Body HarmonyYes
Body Love CoachYes
Body Mind Resolution (BMR) HealingYesGROUP 3
Body Network & BeyondYesGROUP 3
Body PsychotherapyYesGROUP 3
Body ScrubYesBeauty therapists ratesYesGROUP 4Refer to BGi Insurance5
Body Slimming /spa treatmentsYes
Body Stress ReleaseYesYesGROUP 3
Body TalkYes
Body Talk SystemsYesYesGROUP 3
Body WrapYesBeauty therapists ratesYesGROUP 4
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