Approved Modalities List

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| Massage | Yoga | View All |

Modality UK Covered UK Notes CA Covered CA Group CA Notes
Time Based TechniqueYes
Time Line TherapyYesYesGROUP 3
Tinnitus CoachingYes
Tissue Salt ConsultancyYes
Tissue Salt TherapyYes
ToddlerCalm™YesGROUP 3
Tomatis MethodYesYesGROUP 3
Tone N Go YogaYesGROUP 2
Touch for HealthYesYesGROUP 4
Trading & investing psychologyYes
Traditional Chinese MedicineYesYesGROUP 4
Traditional Eastern CuppingYesGROUP 4
Trager ApproachYes
Train the TrainerYes
Transactional Analysis Counselling / Transactional Analysis PsychotherapyYes
Transcadence MassageYesGROUP 4
Transcendental MeditationYesGROUP 3
Transdermal Magnesium TherapyYes
Transpersonal Art therapyYesGROUP 1
Transpersonal CounsellingYesYesGROUP 1
Transpersonal Crystal HealingYes
Transpersonal Medicine TherapyYesGROUP 1
Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)Yes
Traumatic Incident ReductionYesGROUP 1
TRE (Trauma Release Exercises)YesGROUP 1
Tribal MassageYesGROUP 4
TrichologyYesGROUP 4
Trigger Point TherapyYesYesGROUP 4
Trimetrix EQYesGROUP 3
Trust Technique, TheYes
Tui Na Chinese MassageYes
Tuina MassageYesGROUP 4
Tuition in fundamental analysisYes
Tuition in technical analysisYes
Tuning ForkYesGROUP 4
Tuning Fork Accupressure and Energy RealignmentYes
Tuning Fork TherapyYes
Tuning of CellsYesGROUP 3